boston // new england aquarium

This past weekend we visited my sister-in-law in Boston. We took the kids to the New England Aquarium. Although Lillia has been there before, this was Zane’s first time. He didn’t say much while we were there, but all the way home he talked about everything he saw. He was particularly impressed with the turtles, the “skeleton whale”, the seals, and the “diver”. The aquarium was surprisingly not crowded for a weekend day, and I think it was our best experience there so far. There’s always something new! Here are some photos from our trip:

boston // new england aquarium
boston // new england aquarium
boston // new england aquarium
boston // new england aquarium
boston // new england aquarium
boston // new england aquarium
boston // new england aquarium
boston // new england aquarium
boston // new england aquarium
boston // new england aquarium
boston // new england aquarium
boston // new england aquarium
boston // new england aquarium
A whole lotta fish.

New England Aquarium, Boston from Kelli Wilson on Vimeo.

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My name is Kelli Ann Wilson (née Copeland), and I live in Walpole, NH. I am mama to Lillia (12) and Zane (5), and wife to Damian. My interests include: homemaking; photography; genealogy; gardening; and making things.

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